Paving Blog

NJ Asphalt Pavement Spring Checklist - Top NJ Pavement Contractor

Written by Kristina Brahney | March 8, 2019

NJ Asphalt Pavement Spring Checklist

This weekend, we officially "spring forward." While the temperatures are still cold, Spring is essentially right around the corner.

What does that mean for you? Well, it means it's time to start repairing all of the winter damage done to your parking lot. Winter causes a lot of asphalt parking lot damage. Over the course of the winter months, your asphalt parking lot can accumulate snow plow damage, asphalt cracking, potholes, water infiltration, as well as damage from the freeze thaw cycle and snow melting chemicals.

Investing your time into identifying potential asphalt problems will help you reduce your long-term costs.

In order to extend the life of your asphalt pavement, you have got to maintain it. Keeping on top of asphalt cracking, potholes and clogged catch basins, as well as regular sealcoating applications  add years to your asphalt pavement.

What Should I Look For When Inspecting My Asphalt Parking Lot?

  • Potholes and Asphalt Repairs


It is very common for potholes to develop over the long winter months. When water gets under your asphalt is breaks it apart, with help of the freeze thaw cycle and along with vehicle pressure. the asphalt begins to deteriorate and break apart.  This causes a pothole. If is doesn't fully cause a pothole, yet you see some areas that are sunken in or starting to crack (alligator cracking) We offer many options to repair your potholes and other asphalt issues including infrared asphalt repair, cold patching and cut out and replacement. Pothole and Asphalt Repair costs vary. Most potholes and repairs can be completed for $2,500.00 each. This cost varies on the depth and width of the repair.

  • Crack Sealing


Crack sealing is the easiest and most effective way to protect your asphalt parking lot from long-term damage. Hot-rubberized crack sealing prevents water infiltration. It is applied at temperatures over 375 and adheres to both sides of the crack. If you keep water from getting under your pavement, you can extend the life of it by decades. If you notice long cracks developing in your parking lot do not waste time contacting us. Crack sealing can be completed in any temperature, the only stipulation is that the cracks are clean and dry. Crack sealing also causes very little impact to your parking lot traffic. Crack sealing is affordable, starting at $1.00 per lineal foot.


  • Failing Catch Basins


Catch basins will fail. Most of the time, you will notice they begin to fail in the spring, especially after a cold and long winter. The constant freeze thaw cycle causes erosion along and under foundation walls and causes collapse. Salt and snow can add to the deterioration by eating away at the top of the basin. It is a smart idea to have them checked every season. The costs range from $2,500.00 - $5,000.00 per catch basin depending on if the frame and grate need to be removed, how many rows of cinder blocks need to be replaced and if the perimeter patch is going to be asphalt or concrete.

  • Asphalt Sealcoating


You may notice after the winter, that your pavement has some plow scratches and may not be as black as if was in the Fall. Plow damage is inevitable. Pavement oxidation is also inevitable. Sealcoating extends the life and quality of your asphalt parking lot. When used as part of a preventative maintenance program, seal coating when first applied 3-12 months after asphalt installation and then every 2-3 years thereafter, if applied as per the manufacturers specifications (Proper water dilution, addition of a latex modifier & addition of silica sand for traction and durability) will extend the life of an asphalt parking lot by 20 years on average if completed in conjunction with a Preventative Maintenance Plan. Costs vary depending on the size and condition of your parking lot.

  • Line Striping / Pavement Marking


Pavement Markings are often referred to as the bow on a Christmas present. They can give life to your parking lot. Unfortunately, your pavement markings are also on the list of things to check after a long and dreary winter. Lines can be scratched by plows and paint can be stripped by snow melting salts and chemicals. Freshly painted lines, stop bars, arrows, speed bumps and fire lanes stand out. Parking lot lines are one of the first things customers and clients see upon arrival to your parking lot. They show that your take pride in your parking lot. Costs vary.


Contact FIXASPHALT.COM today to learn more about our Spring Maintenance Services and to see how we can help you!

With over 25 years in the pavement maintenance industry, we have the professional and knowledgable staff you want and need to help you decid what types of asphalt services your property needs now and down the line.

FIXASPHALT.COM offer professional paving and asphalt services. We have many NJ locations to services customers throughout Monmouth, Mercer, Middlesex, Hunterdon, Somerset and Union counties.

Visit:NJ Free Consultation TODAY!!.